Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Louis Vuitton Involved with Darfur?

If Paris Hilton can hit thousands of headlines and photographs with a trendy Louis Vuitton purse and a pint-size pooch, surely another newsworthy figure can do the same, right? That's what Nadia Plesner was thinking when she designed a T-shirt featuring a "pimped-out" Darfur victim holding a Vuitton handbag and a dog that resembles Hilton's Tinkerbell. Her intentions were to show how messed up the media is. Instead of focusing on the events in Africa and raising awarness the newspapers are filled with celebrity photos and gossip. Now, Louis Vuitton is suing Plesner for falsely using their company name and making it seem that Louis Vuitton has to do with what is occuring in Darfur. Plesner recieved a cease and dease letter from Vuitton and she owed them $7,500. Plesner declined and wrote about it on her website. Everyday Plesner uses their name she is charged $7,500. She currently owes $20,000.

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